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The Integrated Brain Science Center - Ariel (IBSCA) has been established in more than decade ago and its initial goal was promotion of brain research in Ariel University (Collage, those times). Currently, multple excellent laboratories from different neuroscience field are established in Ariel University. Hence, the major role of IBSCA is to facilitate intra- and interuniversity collaboration encourange interdisciplinary cooperation. In addition, IBSCA is actively involved in linking the fundamental and applicative research, creating an interface with clinics and industry. Advanced neuroscience study is also one of the highest priority of IBSCA, implementing new educational programs for training of the future generations of brain researh scientists. 

Laboratory of Molecular and Functional Neurobiology (MFNL) is a member of the Integrated Brain Science Center - Ariel, IBSCA network. Within the framework of the center, MFNL conducts research, academic and educational activities. All MFNL members are associate members of IBSCA. The laboratory tightly collaborates with the most of the IBSCA affiliated laboratories, participates in intrauniversity and inter-university activities initiated by IBSCA. Collabroation with Prof. Pinhasov's lab of molecular psychiatry is particularly fruitful, having led to multiple cooperative publications. Moreover, MFNL participates actively in promotion of advanced neuroscience eduction in Ariel University. The head MFNL, Dr. Michaelevski currently  serves as a chairman of IBSCA. 

For more information can be found on IBSCA website.

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